Twitter Prayer Network

We won’t be the first people to have started this but the possibilities are immense.  Imagine being able to pass your prayer requests to people all around the world.  Imagine thousands of people being able to respond to them.  That is what we can do now using social media.

So imagine, you have an urgent need for prayer.  You tweet the prayer network, they retweet it and all of their followers receive the request.  This could go out to many, many people and immediately people are praying on their own, in church and in prayer meetings.  They can also tweet back with supportive messages and let you know that they are praying for you.  But then, supposing this catches on.  You could have linked prayer networks that follow each other – and this can grow and link many more people all over the globe.

So we’ve started a prayer network for the village of Ash in East Kent, with the handle @AshPrayer. Please help us by following us and responding to any prayer requests that anyone may make.  Please pray for many prayer groups to form so that many people are helped with prayer. And send us your prayer requests. You can tweet us, or if you want it to be anonymous to the people in the network email us on

@AshPrayer – Prayer network for Ash and East Kent

God bless