After the 5th December meeting it seemed that God was clearly leading us away from continuing the project with the URC chapel. The necessary resources that would be required to continue with the use of a building that has significant structural issues would in all probability overwhelm a new congregation.
As a result the URC wished to no longer be involved with the project, as it would no longer be meeting in one of their buildings. However the other churches involved with the project still believe that God is leading towards a new evangelical congregation in the village of Ash and are keen to work towards this happening.
In the immediate future we plan to start regular prayer meetings/Bible studies while we find people keen to be involved. Once we have built up numbers we intend to look for a new building to launch Sunday services, probably later in 2016.
Please continue to pray for us – that God will give direction, discernment and resources to us; and that His will might be clearly known among us.
Many blessings